Thursday, March 6, 2008

Oh, and yeah...look for my "highlights from craigslist personal ads" in the next week or so.
Well, orignially this blog was going to be dedicated to the concept of the shameover, with everyone leaving comments, purging their hearts and minds, and accepting society's forgiveness based on the fact that a) no one really cares what you said or did when you were drunk on saturday night, and b) shameovers are common among bar folk.

the whole thing came about after attending this retard fest at little kings a couple of weeks ago:
during which i terrorized the innocent and effusively back-door complimented a friend by enlightening him with my expert opinion that he would really look better if he washed his hair more often (which is true, by the way as it was once revealed that he often only CONDITIONS his hair to acheive that intentional greasy indiecowboy - but i digress and i don't want to give the impression that i don't think he's adorable, because he is, i'm just saying, wash your hair every once in awhile.)

okay, so back to shameover. i don't think a definition is really necessary, and if it is you probably don't belong here anyway, but since i found a fairly concise one in the urban dictionary, i'll share withyou all, lest anyone mistake it for some wacko christian folk song about jesus not loving the gays.
shameover hangover
1. Shameover

An overwhelming feeling of shame that comes the morning after a long night of binge drinking. Often characterized by feelings of regret about what you said or did while you were wasted along with the regular symptoms of a hangover.

Now, for me personally, a shameover is often accompanied by what's called the shame slideshow - brief flashes of memory -- images, sound bytes, etc. -- that are followed by a grimace and a hanging of the head.

But back to me, and that fateful saturday night....i did learn a valuable life lesson in that 36 year old women are probably not supposed to do jagerbombs. dude.

(EDITS, SPELLCHECK, ETC. TO FOLLOW -- after i've had some distance. right now, i need to go burry my head in some sand.)